
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hot Threads.

I hope everyone of you are having a wonderful, eventful Saturday while I'm sitting here at work.
How lame. 

Anyways, tonight is my first ever company Christmas party! 
Exciting, huh?
I've spent two weeks trying to find the perfect outfit and I think I finally have it all put together.
Do you like it?
I got it all from Express:)
Except the shoes, They're G by GUESS.

Maybe I'll take some pictures tonight and y'all will be able to see the cutie-pa-tootie I'm going with.
Or maybe I'll just make you wait!

Have a safe rest of the weeekend!<3

"May your neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, Angels protect you, and Heaven accept you."


  1. LOOOVEEE the shoes - im not much for fashion, but I am a huuugee fan of guess!
    found you VIA restless blog hop
    check me out at if you get a chance, I'd LOVE another follower <3

  2. Thank you so much for following me! I'm headed over to your blog right now:)
