Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Room Re-do; Part 1
How was y'alls weekend?
I spent mine completely off Blogger and believe me, not a good idea.
I've spent the past two hours reading all the blogs I follow.
Two hours.
Luckily i have some really good blogs to read, so it hasn't been boring!
What I did do this weekend though, was put some real consideration into redecorating my room.
It's something that needs to be done..
Right now my room consists of
-one hot pink wall
-a Mossy Oak (camo) comforter
-off white walls (they just became dirty overtime)
I'm very eclectic.
But now I feel a little more grown up, and I think I deserve a little more grown up room.
My theme: Grey, black, white and lime green.
Every thing on here is from Target... duh.
Comforter: $44.99
Sheet set: $39.99
Curtains: $29.99
Frame: $19.99 (already have it)
The nightscape is $79.99
and the tree picture is $33.99.
Which one looks better?
The paint color is Valspar from Lowes called 'Storm'.
I'm so ready to start and finish this big project but I'm also excited to take all of you step by step along with me!
If you have any other ideas or items, I'd love to hear about them!
Have a happy Tuesday:)
Frame: $19.99 (already have it)
The nightscape is $79.99
and the tree picture is $33.99.
Which one looks better?
The paint color is Valspar from Lowes called 'Storm'.
I'm so ready to start and finish this big project but I'm also excited to take all of you step by step along with me!
If you have any other ideas or items, I'd love to hear about them!
Have a happy Tuesday:)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I think I have an addiction.
See, I got Target's stupid debit card where you get 5% off your entire purchase
every. single. time.
I thought it was a good idea at the time.
I mean 5% is 5% right?
I seem to go in that store at least 3 times a week and buy useless crap now that I have this dumb card.
Let's take yesterday for example.
I went to Target just for the hell of it.
Just to look.. Maybe buy a shirt that was on sale for Black Friday.
I walked out of there with a body pillow, body pillow cover, 2 shirts, and 2 bags of candy.
Why, you ask?
Because I get 5% off.
THEN, I went back after I got off work and bought new sheets.
Did I need them?
I mean don't get me wrong, this card is a great deal. Especially if you buy groceries or have kids.
Do I have either?
But they have the cutest stuff. Everything is so nice and cheap!
Which reminds me, I do need to go after work and look at comforters....
Do you have an addiction to a store?
Tell me about it so i don't feel so alone!
Have a great weekend ladies!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday Favorites: Week 4
How was your Thanksgiving?
Mine went good, even though I didn't get around to making the chocolate cream pie I was wanting to do.
This Thanksgiving was the first one without my grandma, so it was a little different but we got to stay home with our doggies and celebrate with them. We also got to decorate for Christmas!
This is the first year I'm over doing my room, so I'll have to take pictures and share them with you.
Santa's Little helper (aka Bella) even helped put up the big tree!
I almost completely forgot today was Friday Favorites Day:(
But at least I've been doing a lot of pinning this past week.
The PERFECT shoes for my future little one.
I'll make her just as obsessed with sugar skulls as I am!
This made LOL foreal.
I know Bella constantly tells me this, but as you can see, I don't listen.
All I do is Pin, Pin, Pin
No matter What!
I think this every time I see that stupid commercial.
You know you laughed.
Pretty much my favorite part of Christmas TV.
I love, love, love alllll of her commercials!
Next years Halloween costume?
I think so.
Me and B always said this is what my kids will look like, and I can't argue.
Sweetest thing ever<3
An iPhone case that prints pictures when you take them!
When they start making these you best believe that I'll be first in line to buy one.
Such a beautiful picture to end one of the best days of your life.
And the best way to start your wedding day;)
(You can find all the links to these pictures on my Pinterest page.)
Hopefully soon I'll have a linky so we can all have Friday Favorites!
Roxy update: She was good all day yesterday and the smell is finally starting to go away even though I still get whiffs of it. Yuck.
But I'm just glad she's happy an healthy.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers:)
Roxy update: She was good all day yesterday and the smell is finally starting to go away even though I still get whiffs of it. Yuck.
But I'm just glad she's happy an healthy.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers:)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
This is my boxer Roxy.
Last night she got skunked.
Please pray that everything is okay since the skunk spray got in her eyes, nose and mouth.
I'm sure she's perfectly fine, but I just worry a lot.
She was okay when she went outside this morning, so hopefully everything is good.
Thank you for you thoughts
and go home and hug your puppies tonight!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving Dessert Challenge
Thanksgiving is only a couple days away!?
How did this month go by soooo fast?
And only 32 more days til' Christmas.
Anyways, in my house I make dessert.
Mostly because I can't cook worth a damn.
(But that's beside the point.)
What do you make for dessert on thanksgiving?
I know everyone's supposed to eat pumpkin and pecan pie, but I don't like either one.
I know, I know. I'm unamerican... Whatever.
So I decided we would have three pies this year because I will be attempting to make my first ever Chocolate Cream Pie.
- 1 whole Baked And Cooled Pie Crust, Store Bought Or Your Favorite Recipe
- 3 whole Egg Yolks
- 1-½ cup Sugar
- 3 Tablespoons Corn Starch
- ½ cups Cocoa Powder
- ¼ teaspoons Salt
- 3 cups Milk
- 3 Tablespoons Butter
- 2 teaspoons Vanilla
- 1 cup Fresh Sweetened Whipped Cream (please Don't Use Whipped Topping!)
- 1 ounce, weight Piece Of Dark Chocolate
Bake your pie crust according to package instructions or your recipe instructions. When done, set aside to cool.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together the egg yolks and sugar until combined. Add the cornstarch, cocoa powder, and salt and mix again until combined. Slowly mix in the milk until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a pot over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring often. Once the mixture is brought to a boil, it will be thickened to a pudding consistency. Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and vanilla. Leave the mixture in the pot to cool for 10-15 minutes, stirring every 2-3 minutes until smooth.
Once the pudding has cooled, add it to the baked pie shell. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-4 hours, until completely chilled.
Top with whipped cream to cover most of the filling. Using a vegetable peeler, shave pieces of the dark chocolate all over the top of the pie, until you’re out of chocolate. Serve cold.
I got this recipe from the website
Hopefully it turns out okay, but either way y'all will be hearing about it.
For those of you that are going out of town tomorrow, have a safe trip!
And those of you that aren't, I'll see you sooon!

Monday, November 21, 2011
Weekend Recap
Hellllo Everyone!
I'm so happy I had a chance to blog today since I usually only get one written Tuesday through Friday.
And let me tell you writing a post with a baby English bulldog licking your hands every time they move is NOT an easy task.
Did you see my new blog button?!
I made it myself and I love to look at it :)
If you can't clearly see the picture,
this is what it looks like...
Photo credit to: Deanna Campbell
I used Photoshop and to make it.
I need to learn how to make links in my posts so that way you could just click on the word Picnic and it would just take you there.
Do you know how?
Could you let me know?
Thank youuuu :)
On to what I was really gonna tell you about.
This weekend I had baby on the brain.
I love, love, love to buy baby stuff.
And I found the exact baby blanket my best friend wanted (Let's call her B from now on)
for her baby. (And we're gonna call him Baby Z)
She had just mentioned it the other night when I went to go see the DVD of the sonogram and I had seen it before on her Pinterest.
I was ecstatic when I saw it and I knew I had to buy it.
And of course I just couldn't contain myself and I had to give it to her last night.
She was soooooo happpy!
(Sorry there's no pictures,
she's pregnant and that means she only is
presentable when she goes out.)
And today I get to go to the doctor with her and hear little man's heartbeat!
Again, I'm sooooo excited.
Oh, and Thanksgiving is THIS Thursday!
See y'all tomorrow :)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Happy Saturday!
Happppy Saturday Everyone!
Hello unsafe driving-while-taking-picture picture.
Like I was telling y'all yesterday,
I got to find out the sex of my best friends baby.
I almost had to do another post about it as soon as I found out
but I thought I'd leave a little suspense.
So are you ready?!
:) :) :)
Eeeeeeek! I'm so excited!
Now I can get my baby fever out and buy her little boy all sorts of cute stuff!
Can I tell you a secret?
I've alread bought my future babies clothes..
and so has my mom.
We're kinda weird like that.
We had to get a new Christmas tree at work this year so we got a 6 foot one and
added our own special touch to make it taller.
Yes, those are off-road tires holding up out tree.
Just in case I haven't mentioned before,
I work at a place that sells motorcycles and 4-wheelers and some off-road stuff.
It's pretty awesome, I know.
Now I'm off to do some more blog hopping!
Have a good and safe weekend!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday Favorites; Week 3
Hellllllo everyone!
After decorating my work for Christmas yesterday, (which I'll post a picture of as soon as I take one)
I thought I should do the same to my blog!
Isn't it cute?!
I know.
Anyways, today is Friday Favorites!
For those of you that don't know, Friday Favorites is a day to post all of the cool stuff we found on Pinterest
or other blogs or anywhere on the Internet.
These are my favorites this week:
Heaven in a make-up holder.
I'm ordering this sooon from QVC and then I can blog (brag..hehe) about it.
I love to make cake pops but I could never figure out how to
let them dry without being flat on one side.
Leave it to Pinterest to answer my question.
Welcome to the room of my future mini-me's.
Can you say GORGEOUS?
No comment needed.
This shirt was made for me.
Yes, this picture is a little scary to some,
but to me it is beautiful.
Tattoos are my favorite form of artwork.
(Kids, don't try this at home.)
Hellllllo Mr. Drake.
P.S. I just got his new album this week, and I have to say it is
Ohh, annnnnd, my best friends is finding out if her baby is a boy or a girl today!
I'm thinking girl, but she's pretty sure it's a boy.
I'm going over tonight to watch the DVD the doctors office sends with her
since I can't be at the sonogram.
I'm so so so excited!!
And of course everyone knows what I'm a part of every Friday.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Words to Love
I'm a sucker for cute quotes.
I love them and I tend to think that every one describes my life situation in some way.
I know I'm a weirdo, but who cares?
Anyhoo, I thought I would dedicate today's post to some of the best quotes that I have found lately.
You can find all of the links to these on my Pinterest:)
What are some of your favorites?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wordless Wednesday... Kinda
My sweet baby Bella with her favorite night-night toy.
Now I have to rant.
Rant # 1
I work Tuesday- Saturday.. every week.
I usually get up around 7(ish) every day I work and don't get home until around 7 that night... every week.
That does not change. I don't get to pick when I do and don't work.
Which means I cannot hang out 'til 4 in the morning.
It also means that I go home at a decent hour.
Why don't people I know understand this?
Rant #2
When I say I cannot hangout.. DO NOT try to convince me otherwise.
Don't keep texting me saying:
"just for a little bit,"
"I'll come to your house"
"Do what I do, don't sleep."
When I say no, I don't want to it means
"No, I don't want to."
THEN, I get, "Quit being an old woman, get out of the house."
Oh hell no.
I'm 18, single, and independent.
But then again, maybe I do have an old woman mentality because I don't want to hang out with someone else at night when I've missed my dogs all day and I want to see them.
Or maybe I just want to be at home, relaxed.
Or maybe, I don't like you...
Yeah, that's probably it.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
My ABC's
Hi guys!
See how good I'm getting about posting more often?
So yesterday I spent all day going from blog to blog to blog and I found some really cool ones, like
Explore. Dream. Discover.
(You can find her link at the bottom of the page.)
Explore. Dream. Discover.
(You can find her link at the bottom of the page.)
She has one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen (besides mine;))
and she lives in Amsterdam!
How cool is that?!
She has a little quiz/question thingie that I love doing!
I used to do these all the time back when Myspace was still cool.
And maybe you'll learn something about me that you
never knew.
A. Age – 18.
B. Bed size – queen, perfect for me;)
C. Chore that you hate – Hanging up clothes for sure. I pretty much live out of piles of clean clothes because of this.
B. Bed size – queen, perfect for me;)
C. Chore that you hate – Hanging up clothes for sure. I pretty much live out of piles of clean clothes because of this.
D. Dogs – Bella and JJ, which are puggies, Weezy (aka Devil)
is an English Bulldog and Roxy the boxer.
is an English Bulldog and Roxy the boxer.
RIP Scout and Doodlebug:(
My house is a zoo, don't judge.
E. Essential start to your day – Fox 4 Good Day and Taco Delite Sweet Tea. I have an unhealthy addiction to both.
F. Favorite color – I love pink, but all I wear is black and grey.
No, I'm not an emo or Gothic kid.. I wear Miss Me jeans and cute jewelry every day.
G. Gold or silver – white gold. I think it looks so much more expensive and I'm a snob like that.
H. Height – 5’3"
I. Instruments you play – I was in band when I was in 6th or 7th grade and I was terrible, so I really wouldn't consider myself an instrument player.
I. Instruments you play – I was in band when I was in 6th or 7th grade and I was terrible, so I really wouldn't consider myself an instrument player.
J. Job title – Receptionist at a Motorcycle/ATV shop. I know, I have the best job ever;)
K. Kids – Not yet, but I can't wait!
L. Live – North East Texas, and I hope I never live anywhere else.
M. Mother’s name – Rebecca
N. Nicknames – None really. Sometimes I make my parents call me Princess Kodi, and my dad ends up calling me buttface instead.
O. Overnight hospital stays – None yet.
P. Pet peeves – Don't get me started. I have a ton, but I guess one of my biggest would have to be when people over-over-over-exaggerate.. I mean come on, we all know the truth.
Q. Quote from a movie – "And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope."- He's just not that Into You
Q. Quote from a movie – "And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope."- He's just not that Into You
R. Right or left handed – Right.
S. Siblings – A little brother
S. Siblings – A little brother
T. Time it takes you to get ready – Probably about an hour and a half, shower and all.
U. Underwear – All the time.
V. Vegetable you hate – Most of them. You name it, I probably don't like it.
V. Vegetable you hate – Most of them. You name it, I probably don't like it.
W. What makes you run late – Not knowing what to wear. I'll change my outfit minimum 3 times before I'm still unhappy with it but I have to go so I don't get fired.
X. X-rays you’ve had – My lungs once, I don't even know why though.
Y. Yummy food you make – I bake. Cookies, cupcakes, cakes.. you name it. I love learning new recipes and making them.
Z. Zoo animal – Zebra.. or Penguin. Penguins are cuuuuute, but it'd be pretty sweet to own a zebra.
There ya have it. The ABC's all about me!
Feel free to use it in your blog, too.
Leave me your link in a comment and I'll come check your ABC's out too.
Thanks for visiting today:)

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