Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sorry I've been neglecting my blog, I didn't mean to, honest!
I just really haven't had much to talk about. Life's been about the same.
Nothing new.
Maybe I should get out and meet some new friends... a boyfriend... a life.
I'm really not that pathetic, but I do need some new excitement in my life.

So, since I don't have a juicy date to tell you about or the latest gossip happening in my neck of the woods, I decided that today I'd list things that I'm thankful for.

I read a quote on Pinterest the other day that said
"What if you woke up today
with only the things you thanked God for

Well, I'd be SOL.

Thats why I'm thanking God for what I'm thankful for on a daily basis and then I can read this post everyday.

I'm thankful for
  • My Parents. They are my rock, my protection, my support system. I'm 18 and still feel the need to cuddle with my mom on the couch. She is my safe place and my comfort zone. Without them around, I'd lose it.
  • My Dogs
  • My Health.
  • My right to believe in MY God. I am a strong believer in all paths to God.
  • My job. I feel so lucky and blessed on a daily basis to be able to come to work and make money. Not only that, I love it here. It's the perfect job for me.
  • My education. As I've said before, I chose not to go to college right out of high school, but I'm thankful for the right to graduate high school.
  • To live in the great state of Texas.
  •  Our military.
  • The freedoms they have provided for us.

So thats it.
Those are the things that I should be thanking God for everyday.
And I'll start doing it.

                                                       What are you thankful for?
Thanks for hanging out, and I promise you'll be seeing me more often!

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